TruSculpt 3D

What is TruSculpt® 3D?

TruSculpt is a comprehensive, personalized treatment system that can help you target and achieve your body sculpting goals. This collection of cutting-edge treatment technologies allows you to break down fat at a level of intensity right for you.
The Trusclulpt 3D system is a targeted, non-invasive radiofrequency treatment that targets problem areas, such as abdomen, love handles, inner thighs, arms, under chin, and bra fat with unbelievable results. Everyone is different, but most people see noticeable results in six to eight weeks after being treated. On average, TruSculpt 3D people have experienced a 24% reduction in fat thickness in a single treatment.

Who is the right candidate for TruSculpt?

The TruSculpt procedure is meant for people who need assistance with ongoing problem areas. For example, if you gain weight in specific areas that do not respond to exercise or diet, TruSculpt is for you. It is only meant for certain targeted problem areas. It is not designed to treat general obesity. Contraindications may include pregnancy, active skin infections or open wounds in the treatment area, metal or electrical implants (such as pacemakers or defibrillators) near the targeted region, and a history of certain medical conditions that could be affected by the treatment.

What are the side effects of TruSculpt?

Side effects from this treatment are minimal, and these include soreness, redness, and swelling in the treated area. These will go away on their own over the next few days post treatment.

How many treatments will I need?

For the fat-burning TruSculpt 3D procedure, some clients experience results after the first session. Several areas are targeted within one treatment session, so the results are easily achieved and observed. Some people choose to have a second treatment for final tweaks or for more sculpted bodies. Consider additional treatments over time to achieve the personalized results that you desire.

What should I expect during treatment?

The treatment feels like a hot stone massage. The process raises the temperature level of the skin but remains comfortable. The process is quick, effective and relaxing. Plan to return immediately to your active, daily schedule with few to no accommodations.